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There's Satisfaction in Fixing Bad Design

Rachel Allen Dillon

Being a Rookie Conference-Presenter

Based on the comments flying in, I could tell that at least six of the speakers at the 2020 Multimedia for Learning Conference, hosted by The Learning Guild were seasoned. It was pretty cool to be in the same virtual space as some well-known people in the learning and development field. It was also a bit intimidating. Whenever I present, I worry the content I share won't help the audience improve their skills, which is why they're there, and my ultimate goal.

Receiving Great Feedback

I was relieved to receive positive feedback from the Level 1 survey. I even received an email from an attendee saying that he'd shared my content with his leadership and colleagues--the absolute highest praise any presenter can receive.

My Ah-Ha Moment

I sorted through the comments and questions captured during the presentation to see if any themes could inspire improvements or another presentation proposal. The audience enjoyed the satisfaction of my before and after designs. The audience critiques the bad design, using the design principals vocabulary we went over. Then with the click of the button, I transitioned to an improved version of the design, applying the principles and elements we discussed in the presentation.

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